Truthfully speaking. I don’t know exactly why I started Studio Forty Two. It sort of just… happened. In the Spring of 2023, I was an individual contractor for V3 Sports, a beautiful non-profit in North Minneapolis, helping them with general marketing on a month-to-month basis. I wanted to use this opportunity to create a business so that I could eventually build something bigger than myself that helps make the world a better place through art. That’s when Studio Forty Two (Studio 42) came to mind.

I had a business plan for Studio 42 for years prior to this moment, but the business model was drastically different. I decided to keep the name and formalized it, and figure out the new business model later. The only thing I knew for certain was that the nature of this company would be a formal representation of what I already did for myself, other artists and businesses.
When I think about it, I feel like this company is part of my destiny. Looking through the window of hindsight, I realize I've been developing skills since I was 16 that I now use to run and manage Studio 42. I've created websites, logos, graphic design commissions, artworks, marketing strategies, murals, t-shirt designs — you name it. All of these are services I provide through Studio 42. After years of experience, I now have the ability to curate projects and manage other artists along the way.
I may have started this business on a whim, but I trust that it will naturally form its business model over time. I enjoy teaching people art and I enjoy creating opportunities for artists, including myself. I’ve always built my own stage for art because I knew it’d be difficult to get my art into a “legit” gallery at that point, so I decided to take things into my own hands. I’ve thrown a fleet of art shows and all but one were extremely successful. The shows I’ve put together have built opportunities for others to network and gain something for their art career and I hope to continue holding shows in the near future.
In my opinion, the artists are the ones who make the world an exciting place to be. And everyone is an artist if you really think about it. The problem is, not everyone sees it that way. I believe that the true, OG artist, is God Himself. And since we are made in His image, then we are also artists – we're all born to create.
We all have the power to make something each and every day. The biggest project we have is our own lives. Every day we make decisions that shape our future. And each person's lives impact other people’s lives and that’s exactly what art does; it makes you feel something. At least good art does.
Art inspires. Art moves people. Art is something you can taste. Yes, food is a form of art, too! And it’s possibly one of the greatest forms of art that exist if we’re being honest. The chair you’re sitting on is art. The pen that you’re holding. The device you’re reading this through. It’s ALL art. We live in art. Art is a powerful tool that creates the experiences that we have in our day-to-day lives. The inspiration alone that we get from art can give hope to our seemingly meaningless life. An opportunity to leave our mark on the world. And if the marks that Studio 42 leaves in the world inspires the next person to leave a beautiful mark on the world as well, then I know that this company is a success.
I started Studio Forty Two to help people leave their mark on the world and make it a better experience for all of us. I’m excited for how God can use me and this business to help others. At the end of the day, it’s not about me or this business… it’s about spreading the good, good news of Jesus Christ and how he died for our sins.